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Book a 1-2-1 Landscape Photography Session

From here you can enquire about or book a 1-2-1 Photography training session with me.

 Either way, I shall be in touch to arrange the location and a suitable date and time. 
These sessions are not limited to landscape photography, and can be used to simply learn how to use your camera to take any kind of image, still life or portraiture perhaps?  

I charge £35 per hour, with a minimum of 2 hours and will include up to 25 miles from Bury St Edmunds travel for free (£0.40p for each extra mile from BSE). 

Whatever you are hoping to learn, let me help to take your photography skills to the next level.

Enquire about a 1-2-1

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if you are ready to purchase a 1-2-1 session, you can pay for it here.

Photograph of Pin Mill boat wrecks
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